Lecciones de Calidad en Internet a Precios Accesibles

Nossos Professores


Nombre:Stephen Kammer



Lecciones sugeridas/Lecciones disponibles:

  • Nuestras lecciones estándar*
  • Lecciones basadas en libros de texto
  • Lecciones utilizando artículos en línea

Libros de texto de muestra/Nuestros libros de texto estándar:

  • face2face_Elementary
  • face2face_PreIntermediate
  • face2face_Intermediate
  • face2face_UpperIntermediate
  • face2face_Advanced

*Usar un libro de texto es opcional.

Auto introducción:


I'm Steve from the suburbs of Washington. I now live in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. I've worked in photography and retail as well in media operations for Discovery Channel.

I have been writing content for English learning programs and classes. I am teaching English photography and design! I love meeting new people and hearing about new cultures and lives. It really is one of the best ways to practice a second language!

Nice to meet you! 

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